BC Premier Eby and COFI CEO Linda Coady wrap up the 2023 Council of Forest Industries Conference with the following Q&A [lightly edited for clarity]:
COADY: In your remarks, you talked about your government’s work with and priorities for the forest sector in BC. A sector currently in the midst of a lot of change – and arguably having an “Everything, Everywhere All at Once” kind of moment. …If there is one takeaway from this convention that we would like to leave you with… it involves development of an economic strategy linked to a sustainable long-term future for the sector – and capable of addressing what needs to happen between now and 2030 to get us to that future. What do you think? Is government contemplating this type of thing? If not, do you think we could persuade you and Minister Ralston to do so?
EBY: The ‘everything, everywhere all at once’ comment resonated for me because there is a challenge with government, as governments can only do so many things at once, and without clear direction to government officials from the political level, we run the risk of getting a bunch of things done halfway. …The goals that Minister Ralston and I have been working on in the Ministry of Forests are around permitting times and the pace of BC Timber Sales to get allotted supply out — which is chronic for a number of reasons. …And we have to accelerate the predictability around where companies are able to operate through land use planning. …I’m also happy to do additional work with COFI and with others but making sure these issues are addressed is the priority for the ministry and thus the focus of government. Our longer terms economic plans for the forest industry are not dissimilar from our goals provincially.
COADY: Okay, I’m taking that as a yes…