PORT ANGELES — Clallam County is refunding Interfor U.S., Inc., about $240,000 after the company challenged its assessed property valuations for 2021-2023. While the county is writing the check, Administrator Todd Mielke said each of the taxing districts which have already collected their portion of Interfor’s payments will have to pay the county back. That likely will happen in the form of deductions from future property tax income, he said. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, Interfor, a lumber company that owns a saw mill in Port Angeles, challenged the county’s property assessments of $67.5 million, $58.7 million and $61.7 million, respectively, for its 18.53-acre property located at 243701 U.S. Highway 101. The 2021 challenge was set to go before the state Board of Tax Appeals (BTA) in December, Mielke said. Before that occurred, however, Interfor requested a mediation session between the company and the county.