The carbon credit industry is selling First Nations across Canada on the concept of protecting forests as an alternative to increasingly contentious logging. The pitch: It will help offset industrial emissions while creating revenue and jobs in their communities. …For Indigenous communities, projects to provide carbon offsets have been slow to come to fruition, but new agreements between companies and First Nations could be announced soon. …[First Nations] want a bigger share of stumpage revenues, along with policies and regulations that reflect their desires enshrined in legislation. Carbon markets could help First Nations by providing an alternative. That’s one of the motivations behind a plan by the Secwepemcúl’ecw Restoration and Stewardship Society (SRSS) to explore opportunities to benefit from carbon offsets on traditional lands. …One worry for Indigenous communities, says SRSS, remains how to maintain control of an arrangement when companies seek partnerships, following decades of unfulfilled promises in resource projects. [We respect the copyrights of the source publication – full access may require a subscription]