It’s taken 16 years of incremental policy change in B.C., but you might have noticed that climate policies are starting to take hold. Electric and hybrid vehicles are widespread, new building standards with much higher energy efficiency are being introduced and heat pump sales have surged as people replace home heating equipment. Nonetheless, the long knives are out for the CleanBC climate action plan and the modest gains we’ve made in reducing emissions. …Case in point: the Business Council of BC, representing big business interests, has raised the alarm that CleanBC will slow the province’s economic growth rate, according to modelling done for the government. However, these modelling exercises should be taken with a grain of salt. …The consequences of inaction are becoming painfully clear, globally and locally. We estimated economic costs of $10.6 billion to $17.1 billion from B.C.’s 2021 extreme weather trilogy of heat dome, wildfires and floods/landslides.