Canada invests in a showcase mass-timber office structure

March 3, 2021
Category: Today's Takeaway

Through its Green Construction with Wood program, Canada will help showcase a new mass-timber office structure in Vancouver. In related news: CWC’s Wood Wellness Summit focuses on health-centered living; while naturally:wood highlights wood industrial buildings. In Business news: Oregon’s timber industry says it can’t afford new taxes; and Conifex reports improved Q4, full-year results.

In Forestry/Climate news: BC old-growth dispute heads to court, as activists prepare for civil disobedience; BC investigates alleged logging at First Nation burial site; the US House passes Wild Olympics bill; Maine seeks to ban aerial herbicides; and a new study on pesticide’s impact on downstream aquatic species.

Finally, WestRock Co. elects new CEO in David Sewell, and APA’s new president is Mark Tibbetts.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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