The unprecedented heat wave in B.C. has pushed the risk of wildfire to dangerous levels, according to a University of British Columbia professor. Lori Daniels, a professor with UBC’s department of forest and conservation sciences, said the fire danger rating for nearly the entire province is classified as either high or extreme and that British Columbians need to do everything they can to avoid any activity that could spark a fire. “Now is the time to be very, very careful about fire,” she said. According to Daniels, B.C.’s current fire danger map looks similar to maps from August 2017 and August 2018, two of the worst wildfire seasons on record. Daniels said the province had a drier than normal spring with parts of B.C.’s Interior receiving one-fifth of their normal rainfall during May and June. “We put this heat on top of it and we’re in an extreme fire danger and we’re seeing that now with fires starting in different parts of the province,” she said.