Join us for a 15-minute online Safety Huddle on Thursday April 18, 2024, at 9AM PST (1PM EST) sharing new learnings from a new study on working at heights in wood products manufacturing. Working at heights … presents the risk of falls, which can lead to injuries, fatalities, and business interruption. The British Columbia (BC) Forestry Manufacturing Advisory Group (MAG) has identified this as as a key area of focus for improving risk management approaches. This work was supported with a bow tie analysis workshop where health and safety specialists discussed ways to work at heights safely including eliminating working at heights, fall protection systems, and job design and planning. This study looked at how other industries are addressing and managing working at heights risk. Managers, supervisors, safety coordinators and specialists across the forest sector, should attend this short online webinar to learn about ways work at heights safely and identify potential opportunities for improvement in their own organizations.