WSP is advancing the use of low-carbon engineered wood products for tall building construction, which provides structural strength and durability beyond traditional lumber. Driven by demand for low-carbon buildings and enabled by advances in the manufacturing of engineered wood products, mass timber buildings are rapidly growing larger in size and capturing greater shares of construction markets in Europe, North America and elsewhere. In a response to this trend, building codes … now allow up to 18 stories, or 270 feet. Today, WSP staff in the U.S. and around the globe … are engaging with building developers, other firms in the building trades, industry groups and building officials to spread knowledge and advance best practices for mass timber construction. …Mass timber includes long-established product types, such as oriented strandboard, I-joists and glue-laminated beams and columns. While these product types continue to evolve, the most innovative and game changing mass-timber products are cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels.