Declining lumber prices, rising construction costs, timber theft and more…

October 15, 2018
Category: Today's Takeaway

Interfor plans to cut production in the BC Interior due to declining lumber prices and rising log costs; Santa Fe construction costs keep rising; timber theft is a growing problem on Vancouver Island; and cross laminated timber use is allowed in the UK despite combustible cladding ban.

In Forestry news: BC Woodlot awards go to the Thompson family, Charles Bloom Secondary School and Saulteau First Nations; a UBC conference touts the climate change credentials of urban forests; an Ontario forest is at risk due to the departure of a single bald eagle; a new Council is formed to help address Canada’s plant health risks; and forestry practices are good for Washington state.

Finally, Pakistan’s 10 billing tree tsunami is already taking root.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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