ENGOs, industry groups rally to influence Canada’s recovery plans

July 16, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

Canada’s resource industry and (separately) a large group of environmental organizations are organizing to influence Ottawa’s post-covid recovery plans. In other Business news: Canada seeks to stem out-migration in Northern Ontario; BC’s log export plunge may violate the Trans-Pacific Partnership; the US furniture industry wants the Chinese tariff exclusions to be extended; recovered paper shipments to China could cease by year-end; and economic updates abound by Fannie Mae, MarketWatch, and the Mortgage Bankers Assoc.

In other news: BC’s wolf kill program is panned in The Atlantic; ENGOs seek protection for Alaska’s wolf population; lifting the Tongass Roadless Rule said to benefit China most; and Two Sides launches its Love Paper campaign.

Finally, biodegradable fleece clothing made from wood – yes it’s possible!

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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