EU moves to reclaim trade dispute process after US cripples WTO

December 13, 2019
Category: Today's Takeaway

The European Union moves to reclaim trade authority after US cripples WTO’s dispute settlement process. In other Business news: the Toronto Star says NAFTA-2 is better but still a bad deal; Fortress pulp mill to close near Ottawa; Nova Scotia’s new forestry regulations won’t be public until the New Year—while its decision on Northern Pulp could put taxpayers on the hook for damages

On the BC front, after Wednesday’s forestry worker rally—Minister Donaldson says we’re listening, while Premier Horgan says help is on its way. Meanwhile: WFP strike discussions are postponed to next week, and an op-ed by the BC Forest Safety Council’s Rob Moonen on how the principles for preventing injuries can help during these difficult times.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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