Google’s ambitious plan for Toronto includes lots of wood

June 27, 2019
Category: Today's Takeaway

Mass timber and high-tech companies meet in Sidewalk Labs’ vision for a wireless, timber-filled Toronto. In related news: how Toronto’s project can help tackle climate change; and create jobs for Northern Ontario.

In Business news: Stimson Lumber calls for a boycott of Oregon businesses; Steelworkers anticipate a strike vote at Western Forest Products; how Hampton Lumber avoids curtailments; U of Maine to help the forest economy; and Wood Resources on global trade in softwood lumber.

Finally, new studies suggest: Alberta’s seismic lines up methane emissions; pine forest restoration is good for birds; intact forests are on the decline; higher temps means lower seedling survival in the Sierras; and health risks rise with wildfire smoke.

Finally, despite the bug bites, the [planting] job is worth it.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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