Growing and diversifying BC’s value-added wood export sector, has long been an objective of the forest sector—which is why governments and industry invest in market expansion activities. Ask any value-added manufacturer what it takes to accomplish this and you’re apt to hear about the usual constraints to expansion, such as a lack of skilled labour, fibre supply, financing and market intel/experience. But ask the same question of value-added manufacturers that have taken BC Wood’s Export Readiness Program and you’re likely to hear more about their confidence in achieving export growth. The proof is in the survey responses from the last training cohort—in which 100% of the participants said the program was likely or very likely to grow their export sales in the next 12 months, and all agreed that the support materials and recordings were excellent, as was the trainer Greg Henderson from ExportSpark. The proof is also in the fact that BC Wood has upgraded and expanded the program, which kicks off June 8th.
Initiated in 2019 and supported by BC FII and NRCan, this in-depth, webinar based, 10-module program guides participants through the complete process of exporting in three phases: i) determining export readiness, market research and building an export plan; ii) tactical lessons on selling through distributors, pricing, managing logistics and financing; and iii) intel on international marketing, sales, and other exporting support programs. BC Wood is also adding an Advanced Export Training Program for those already exporting and looking to expand their reach, revenues, and opportunities.
The weekly modules are open to any Canadian company, are delivered virtually, and can be undertaken in whole or part. They’re 1.5 hours each every Wednesday starting June 8th, and you can join live (at 8:30 am PST) or listen to one or all of the sessions at your convenience on BC Wood’s YouTube channel. Click here for more information on the training modules, check out BC Wood’s Export Readiness Training website, or contact BC Wood’s Randi Walker at or 604-309-6683.