A massive buildup of mountain pine beetles in Jasper National Park is exploding into commercially valuable forests along its boundaries.”They decided to consider the pine beetle a native disturbance agent“, said UBC researcher Allan Carroll, “and that hesitation precluded a plan with effective outcomes.”
In other Forestry news: Ken Day is considering more thinning to prevent future fires in UBC’s research forest; BC MLAs are unanimous on the need for incentives to salvage wildfire-damaged timber; and Nova Scotia woodland owners wonder how we got so detached from the forest products we use every single day.
In other news, Irving blames softwood duties for stalling its mill upgrade; NY researchers reduce carbon monoxide emissions from stored wood pellets; and new product rules help companies promote the environmental footprints of their cellulosic products.
Finally, a mystery photo of a red cedar being felled is sparking outrage among conservation groups… except that the location and date of when the tree was harvested is unknown. Hmmmm…
–Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor