Forest companies are taking steps to protect their employees, respond to changing market conditions. Here are the headlines:
- West Fraser to temporarily curtail production, defer capital expenditures
- Tolko doesn’t foresee closures, layoffs based on the current situation
- Interfor cuts production and staff at Grand Forks, Castlegar mills
- Pinnacle makes plans in case supply of sawmill residual fibre is reduced
- Port Hawkesbury Paper wood delivery curtailments add to Nova Scotia’s woes
- Georgia Pacific increases toilet paper shipments by 20%
- Oregon pulp and paper industry seeks “essential business designation” to stay open
- US Building Supplier Dealers seek “essential service” classification to stay open
- Sun Paper officially terminates Arkansas paper mill project
- New Zealand offers relief package for forest workers hurt by COVID-19
In other news: Ontario and Oregon shutter their parks; Project Learning Tree works online and four more forest industry conferences are put on hold.
Finally, US toilet paper caper is a reminder of Johnny Carson’s Fake News faux-pas.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor