NAFTA panel upholds US lumber injury decision

May 25, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

A NAFTA panel has upheld the US International Trade Commission’s injury decision regarding softwood lumber imports from Canada. In response, the US Lumber Coalition is pleased, the BC government is disappointed, and the BC Lumber Trade Council hopes to prevail via other challenges. In other Business news: COFI’s Susan Yurkovich and Forest Minister Doug Donaldson speak out on BC’s sawmill closures; and Mercer’s David Gandossi seeks stumpage relief for the pulp sector.

Meanwhile: the World Economic Forum says COVID-19 is putting forests at risk; scientists identify a tipping point for tropical forests; New Zealand forest owners bristle at bill to subsidize domestic industry; BC backtracks on promise to deter slash burning; and Vancouver’s top planner wants to allow 12-storey mass-timber buildings.

Finally, it’s the final week for the #TreeFrogICU and thanks to those who stopped by to wish Dr. John Worrall a happy 82nd.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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