Nova Scotia pulp mill decision puts thousands of jobs at risk

April 1, 2019
Category: Today's Takeaway

The Nova Scotia government says it needs more details on Northern Pulp’s effluent plan, but time is running out and thousands of jobs are at risk. In other Business news: Chinese log imports reached another high in 2018; and the NAHB will provide testimony on lumber suitability to a NAFTA dispute panel.

In Forestry News: BC’s Forest Minister offers a ‘stay of execution‘ in Elphinstone forest; BC First Nations reach logging deal on Saturna Island; Oregon’s proposed legislation gets pushback from industry; Hurricane Michael has changed Florida’s forests; China’s mountain fire proves deadly for firefighters; BC reports seven forest fires; and a 10,000 acre blaze runs amok in South Jersey.

Finally, the World Resources Institute embraces mass timber, and bike builders display their ‘bike porn‘.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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