Paper Excellence to permanently close Mackenzie mill

April 16, 2021
Category: Today's Takeaway

Paper Excellence announced the permanent closure of its Mackenzie pulp mill due to fibre shortages, after a nine month curtailment. In other Business news: the US gov’t rescue plan, and surging housing starts set the stage for strong economic growth; EACOM invests in its Elk Lake sawmill; Pinnacle and Seaton Forest seek win-win fibre deal; a Canadian hardwood group appeals Chinese plywood ruling; and an ex-manager is found guilty of defrauding Weyerhaeuser.

In Forestry/Climate news: Derek Nighbor defends forestry in Canada; Susan Yurkovich and Jeff Bromley seek balance on old-growth preservation; Chris McCabe  says climate regulations don’t have to squeeze-out US paper mills; and Ontario forest companies push back on critical NRDC report.

Finally, grizzly bear numbers are up in Alberta thanks in part to good forest management.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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