Paper Excellence, Verso Corporation idle pulp & paper mills indefinitely

June 12, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

Paper Excellence is idling its Mackenzie, BC pulp mill indefinitely due to lower demand and fibre shortages, while Verso Corporation idles its paper mills in Duluth and Wisconsin Rapids. Commenting on the Mackenzie closure are the Gov’t of BC, Unifor and the Mayor of Prince George.

In other Business news: dealers report uptick in wood product sales as building material prices in general rise; BC delays increase to log export restrictions to assist industry amid COVID-19 challenges; Canada joins US in investigating China’s dumping of hardwood plywood; and more company news from San Group, and Taiga Building Products.

Finally: a first of its kind mass timber warehouse in BC, and a carbon and soil professor wins the World Food Prize.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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