The G7 ends in disarray. Trump & Trudeau exchange barbs. How did it come to this?

June 11, 2018
Category: Today's Takeaway

The G7 summit ended in acrimony with Trump and Trudeau exchanging barbs. After parsing through all the coverage, here’s a rundown of the exchanges that led to the unprecedented clash and a story on what’s at stake with NAFTA et al. In other Business news: lumber prices set a new record; the price of fibre for BC and US-West pulp mills is at a six-year high; and EACOM welcomes Premier-elect Ford.

In Forestry news: changes to BC’s caribou protection plan have Revelstoke city planners concerned; old Alberta seismic lines are planted to restore caribou habitat;  BC Timber Sales is reviewing how it deals with legacy trees; Oregon reverses its decision to change the marbled murrelet from threatened to endangered; and climate change has the southern pine beetle marching north.

Finally; Washington State conservationist’s choose clearcuts over housing developments near Mount St. Helens; and the practice of Silvopasture [trees & cows]  makes headway in Michigan.

–Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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