Yesterday, the Tree Frog Forestry News team was in Vancouver to meet with forest sector exhibitors at the Union of BC Municipalities convention trade show. But, we weren’t the only ones heading to the Vancouver Convention Centre—within an hour of our arrival, more than 200 logging trucks converged on the downtown core.
Kelly and I were two of hundreds of people who flocked to the foot of Burrard Street to catch a glimpse of the convoy. Surrounded by a waving and cheering crowd, where voices competed with a symphony of truck horns, I couldn’t help but be emotionally moved by the experience. I was in the concrete jungle of Vancouver and all around me, people were eagerly showing their support for these rural contractors and their plight.
After reporting stories of the growing controversy for weeks, to see first hand the passion that drove these truckers from BC’s interior was powerful and impressive. You can see from the headlines in today’s news that the convoy was greeted with cheers and support through every town along their route. It’s easy sometimes to loose sight of the human factor in this world of digital news—yesterday was a bittersweet reminder that behind every story are real people. We were proud to stand in support of this important sector.
Sandy McKellar, Tree Frog Editor