US housing market firming amid low mortgage rates and steady demand

October 17, 2019
Category: Today's Takeaway

US home construction data for September suggests the US housing market is firming amid low mortgage rates and steady demand. In related news: 93% of new homes built in 2018 were wood framed; and the potential US-China trade deal may be too late for hardwood producers. Meanwhile, Hazelton BC wants more information on the Gitxsan pellet plant proposal; and Smartlam reverses direction on CLT plans for Maine.

In Forestry news: BC calls for caribou habitat restoration projects; Montreal battles the emerald ash borer; BC’s approach to the spruce beetle panned; California’s blackouts called outrageous; Oregon’s forestry petition rejections puzzle; and critics speak in favour of Alaska’s roadless rule, as the USDA seeks comment on the propose changes.

Finally, trees that survived California drought may help with climate resilience.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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