Wet’suwet’en deal could end pipeline dispute, blockades

March 2, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

A ‘milestone‘ deal between governments, Wet’suwet’en chiefs offers potential resolution of pipeline dispute, rail blockades. In other Business news: CanforInterfor and Clearwater’s Mayor welcome BC decision to approve tenure transfer; two Western Forest Products mills are still idle; and the coronavirus is causing forest product trade uncertainty in New Zealand and Vietnam

In Forestry news: BC forest enhancement projects help fight climate change; rising soil temperatures reduces Oregon tree growth; Washington’s marbled murrelet policy reduces timber harvests; and thinning forests improve fire safety in California. Meanwhile, research that could make lumber fungal-resistant and impervious to water.

Finally, seeing faces in trees—a form of pareidolia—could be a signal of creativity.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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