Wildfire buffers explored by City of Powell River

By Paul Galinski
Powell River Peak
January 23, 2025
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

City of Powell River councillors will direct staff to proceed with the city’s wildfire hazard development permit designation to address areas susceptible to wildfire risk. At the January 21 committee of the whole meeting …director of planning services Jason Gow …presented information regarding the wildfire development permit area project. He said in the summer of 2024, Frontera Forest Solutions was retained by the city to lead implementation of a wildfire hazard development permit area. …this project will include the identification of areas susceptible to wildfire risk, and the development of accompanying guidelines and mapping products. …Gow said a wildfire buffer is measured as the distance extending outward from areas near burnable fuels, which are vegetated areas with potential to carry wildfire. …The committee voted unanimously to direct staff to proceed with using a 100-metre wildfire buffer as the basis for the city’s wildfire hazard development permit area designation.


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