…Once viewed as an overseas oddity, the bidet has exploded in popularity over the past three years. Retailers report sales leaping tenfold during the pandemic, and remaining strong. The vast majority of Americans still exclusively use toilet paper, though. …Bidets are now within reach of every American: Simple versions can be had for just $30. For the world’s northern forests, that’s great news. …Should you join these new converts? There are three reasons for taking the plunge: the environment, savings and performance. The main one is to reduce clear-cutting mature forests. Every year, Americans flush the equivalent of millions of trees down the toilet. Much of this toilet paper comes from trees logged in Canada’s species-rich boreal forests. …One day, we may come to see wiping our bums with extra-soft toilet paper from virgin forests as we do smoking cigarettes: mainly a good idea for the people who sell the products. [to access the full story a Washington Post subscription is required]