The Centre for Wildfire Coexistence at UBC Forestry is made possible by a generous $5 million donation from the Koerner family. Our center is pioneering proactive forest and fire approaches to tackle the challenges of our changing climate. Our goal is to co-develop and deliver the transformative change required to coexist with wildfire and adapt to warming climate. The four nearly back-to-back extreme wildfire seasons from 2017 to 2023 collectively affected all parts of BC – emphasizing vulnerability of all communities along the coast, interior mountains, and northern boreal forests – with strong parallels across our nation. The new centre will advance research, collaboration and innovation to enable society to coexist with wildfire through proactive forest management and eco-cultural restoration. Our focus is on “good fire”, cultural fire stewardship led by Indigenous collaborators, as well as forest thinning to emulate historical good fires, combined with prescribed fire when safe to do so, to restore plant diversity, resilient ecosystems, and mitigate risk of future fires.