On April 10-12, the BC Council of Forest Industries will hold its annual COFI Convention at the JW Marriott Parq Hotel in Vancouver, B.C. …The convention comes at a time when interest in the present and future of B.C.’s forest industry has never been higher, and neither have the stakes. Across the province, key indicators in forestry are flashing red, foremost among them the current critical shortage of timber for B.C. mills. In the last five years, harvesting on public forest lands has dropped by almost half, down to 35 million cubic metres in 2023. …This steep trajectory has ignited a wave of curtailments and closures that have shuttered local sawmills along with the pulp and paper and value-added plants that rely on their outputs and residuals, resulting in the loss of an estimated 4,500 direct jobs in the last two years. …For further information or registration inquiries on the 2024 COFI Convention, visit cofi.org/2024-convention or email gillrie@cofi.org.