Day two of the Global Wood Summit in Vancouver opened with a presentation by Alejandra Glazebrook from PwC (Platinum event sponsor). Glazebrook presented insights into the forest sector, highlighting its significant contributions to the Canadian economy, employing over 200,000 people and generating approximately $35 billion.
Opening the panel on pulp & paper, a detailed overview of trends was presented by Kevin Mason, Managing Director of ERA Forest Products Research. ERA’s Kevin Mason reported that recycled fibre has become the biggest input for paper and board production—primarily for packaging issues, and end uses have shifted dramatically with paper in steady decline and tissue continuing its relentless growth. In response, there has been a steady stream of paper machines being converted to packaging—and that trend is expected to continue.
…Fraser Hart, Managing Partner at Trade Tree Online, focused his presentation on international markets, and particularly China, given that it has been building a significant amount of new pulp & paper capacity in recent years. Although wood availability for domestic pulp production will determine the degree to which this growth will continue, Hart said the result has been significant reductions in China’s pulp imports and increases in their imports of wood chips. Bob Flynn, at Timber & Wood, provided an overview of the global wood chip market. …While BC is struggling to find sufficient fibre to feed all existing pulp mills, the US Pacific Northwest has a current surplus, and the US South has a long-term surplus.