Canfor’s recent mill closures have hammered communities in British Columbia. But the future of the province’s once strong forest economy may face an even greater threat from what the company is doing 5,000 kilometres away. Steadily, over the course of the past two decades, Canfor has invested hundreds of millions of dollars buying, expanding or building new sawmills in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, North and South Carolina and Mississippi… a move being replicated by other companies that have long operated in the province, including West Fraser, Interfor and Teal-Jones. …When it comes to plantations, B.C. turns out to be seriously disadvantaged. In the U.S. South… pine plantations are now “among the most intensely managed” on the planet. In just 12 to 15 years, the trees in these sterile landscapes are thinned like carrots, with the thinned trees being chipped to make wood pulp or pellets. …In the foot race to grow tree crops quickly, B.C. is barely in the race.