THERESA, New York- The ripple effect is real, says loggers after the biomass plant on Fort Drum closed this past spring.  “Our chippers have been sitting idle. Wood at the mills has been at full. Getting rid of the material has been awful,” said Kirk Kleiboer, the foreman at K&E Logging.  The closing of the ReEnergy BioMass on Fort Drum is putting a cut into business.  “We’ve lost half of our bottom line. It’s double our cost. Parts and stuff are still the same price. Fuel has gone up,” said Kleiboer.  The facility closed because it lost possible economic incentives due to New York state no longer recognizing biomass as a source of renewable energy. … John Bartow, executive director of Empire State Forest Products Association, a non-profit organization that advocates for the logging industry in New York state. says two dozen trucking contracts and the jobs associated with those contracts have been lost.