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Today’s Takeaway

White House pans House forest bill on the floor this week

The Tree Frog Forestry News
September 24, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

The US Administration panned the Republic-led ‘Fix Our Forests Act’ set for consideration in the House. In related news: Trudeau tells Stephen Colbert Americans are paying too much for lumber; and BC’s John Brink submits price to acquire four Canfor sawmills. Meanwhile: the US mass timber revolution needs better data; Kamloop’s mayor wants a new mass timber bridge; and Stora Enso celebrates its new mass timber head office in Finland.

In Forestry/Climate news: Quebec’s pension fund plans to invest in US forestlands; the US Endowment invests in the health and vitality of working forests; the US Sierra Club calls for more action on old-growth; a new study says California should start counting GHGs from logging; and Florida’s forest landowners brace for another hurricane.

Finally, the Globe and Mail features three forest stories during National Forest Week.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor 

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Guilbeault dangles big money to entice Quebec on caribou

The Tree Frog Forestry News
September 23, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

Federal Minister Steven Guilbeault dangles big money and invites Quebec to negotiate on caribou. In related news: the Wet’suwet’en First Nation’s fight to save BC old forests; transforming Canadian forestry and helping First Nations prosper; US ENGO’s highlight support for old-growth protections; Minnesota is short on seeds and the people to collect them; and Google invests in forestry-based carbon credits.

In wildfire news: a NY Times’ piece on the shortage of wildfire fighters; more regulations not the answer to US wildfire risks; and Oregon is running out of money, warns its fire season is not over yet.

In Business news: BC Conservative leader touts his forestry credentials; Washington State’s timber industry is front and centre in the November election; California’s new Yuba biomass plant secures local financing; the significant role of UK’s waste wood industry; and the US Biochar Initiative names Myles Gray as its new Executive Director.

Finally, it’s National Forest Week in Canada—how will you celebrate?

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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Backlash Erupts Over Europe’s Anti-Deforestation Law

The Tree Frog Forestry News
September 20, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

Governments and business groups up their efforts to persuade the EU to suspend its anti-deforestation law. In other Business news: West Fraser will curtail its Lake Butler, Florida sawmill; Ontario helps former Terrace Bay pulp mill employees; Restoration Bioproducts opens its Virginia biochar plant; Drax is fined for early start to Longview plant; and Weyerhaeuser’s North Carolina mill is fined for a safety accident. Meanwhile: Forestry Together launches ‘workforce inclusivity’ initiative; and FESBC’s Jason Fisher comments on his new post.

In Forestry/Wildfire news: wildfires stretch provincial resources to their limits; US puts seasonal hiring on hold; Indigenous fire stewardship can reduce BC’s wildfire risk and cost; and Oregon says the tide is turning on a historic fire season. Meanwhile: researchers says wood is good for our health; ENGO’s say toilet paper is a waste of boreal forests; and a BC regional district board say Forestry Works for BC.

Finally, climate change means we may have to learn to live with some invasive species.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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Business & Politics

Trudeau tells Stephen Colbert there’s frustration in Canada, but he’ll keep fighting

The Canadian Press
September 24, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada

NEW YORK – Justin Trudeau’s interview on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” began with the expected jokes about bacon and Canadians saying sorry a lot, but the prime minister acknowledged it’s “a really tough time” in the country when the host asked about an expected confidence vote in Parliament this week. …Trudeau admitted there’s frustration. He said the housing crisis “is a little sharper” in Canada than it is in the U.S. And even though he said Canada’s economy is performing better on a “macro” level than its southern neighbour’s, people don’t feel it when they’re at the checkout. …Colbert also asked Trudeau about issues Canada and the U.S. fight over, such as the softwood lumber duty that the U-S Department of Commerce nearly doubled in August. Trudeau replied that Americans are paying too much for lumber because of the tariffs.

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‘Standing for what I believe is right’: B.C. Conservative leader

The Canadian Press
September 21, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

John Rustad

BC Conservative Party Leader John Rustad was at a low point in his life two years ago, both personally and politically. He was searching for a political home after being booted from the former BC Liberal Party caucus. Rustad was also grieving back-to-back-to-back family losses and his own health had taken a downturn. …In the 2020 election, the B.C. Conservatives received less than 2% of the popular vote but are now considered contenders against the NDP. …Rustad, whose family has deep roots in B.C.’s forest industry that go back generations, comes across more as a bookworm than a lumberjack. Born and raised in Prince George, Rustad said he’s been involved in the forest industry for much of his life. “I’ve done everything in forestry from working in a mill to tree planting to timber supply analysis to forest development plans,” he said. 

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Research and Development employees honored for work advancing science

The USDA Forest Service
September 24, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Four Research and Development scientists were honored Sept. 23 with a Deputy Chief Award, all cited for their excellence in the science, innovation and service that plays an integral role in driving the Forest Service forward as a science-based agency. …Collectively, the honorees contributed directly to work addressing issues like climate change, wildfire risk and the need to protect biodiversity. Their work is critical not only to the health and resilience of our forests and grasslands but also to the well-being of the communities that depend on these ecosystems. About the honorees:

  • Distinguished Science Award – Research Ecologist Deanna Olson, PhD., Pacific Northwest Research Station…
  • Science Delivery Award – Fire Modeling Institute Director Greg Dillon, Rocky Mountain Research Station…
  • Early Career Scientist Award – Materials Research Engineer Laura Hasburgh, PhD., Forest Products Laboratory…
  • Pioneer in Science Award – General Engineer Johnny Grace, PhD., Southern Research Station…

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UK’s Drax to invest up to $12.5 billion in US biomass power plants over the next decade

By Susanna Twidale
September 24, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, International

LONDON — British power generator Drax could invest up to $12.5 billion developing biomass plants with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) in the US over the next decade. Drax, which generates around 6% of Britain’s electricity, said it is still committed to the UK but sees opportunities in the US for its technology. Its new Houton-based business, Elimini, is reviewing more than 20 potential sites for BECCS projects and has around 100 staff. Elimini plans to have its first U.S. project up and running by the end of 2030 which will require a $2.5 billion investment, CEO Will Gardiner said. …The company said that, as well as the BECCS plant capturing the emissions it creates by burning pellets, the absorption of greenhouse gases during the growth of the wood means its overall impact will be carbon negative, enabling it to generate carbon removal credits. …Drax said it had already entered 11 carbon removal deals with eight companies.

Related by Drax: Introducing Elimini: New carbon removal leader launches at New York Climate Week

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White House slams House forest bill on the floor this week

By Marc Heller
E&E News
September 23, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States

The Office of Management and Budget said the “Fix Our Forests Act” would undermine protections for land, water and wildlife. The White House said Monday it’s “strongly opposed” to a Republican-led bill that could speed forest-thinning and related work in national forests. In a statement, the Office of Management and Budget said the “Fix Our Forests Act,” H.R. 8790, set for consideration in the House this week, could instead delay forest work by spurring more conflict and environmental litigation. While the measure sponsored by House Natural Resources Chair Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.) embraces some recent recommendations of a federal wildfire commission, other provisions would harm the environment, the administration said. The White House said the bill “contains a number of provisions that would undermine basic protections for communities, lands, waters, and wildlife,” while reducing opportunities for public input on forest projects. [to access the full story a E&E News subscription is required]. 

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Backlash Erupts Over Europe’s Anti-Deforestation Law

By Patricia Cohen
The New York Times
September 19, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, International

The European Union has been a world leader on climate change, passing groundbreaking legislation to reduce noxious
GHGs. Now the world is pushing back. Government officials and business groups have jacked up their lobbying to persuade EU officials to suspend a landmark environmental law aimed at protecting the planet’s endangered forests by tracing supply chains. The rules, scheduled to take effect at the end of the year, would affect billions of dollars in traded goods. They have been denounced by countries in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa. In the US, the Biden administration petitioned for a delay as American paper companies warned that the law could result in shortages. In July, China said it would not comply because of “security concerns”. Brazil… and even Germany asked the EU to postpone the regulations. Delaying the rule’s onset is not easy. The legislature would have to approve any amendments. [to access the full story, a NY Times subscription is required]

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Wildfires, timber industry sit front-and-center in the race to be the next Washington lands commissioner

By Ellen Dennis
The Spokesman-Review
September 22, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US West

Dave Upthegrove & Herrera Beutler

The future of Washington’s timber industry and strategies for preventing and fighting massive wildfires are at stake in the race to be the next state commissioner of public lands. The position of commissioner, who serves a four-year term as the leader of Washington’s Department of Natural Resources, is on the Nov. 5 ballot. The state commissioner of public lands sits at the helm of a massive agency, overseeing 2,000 employees and 6 million acres of public land across Washington, including 3 million acres of state trust lands – parcels that generate revenue from logging that goes to government programs such as schools. On Wednesday, candidates Dave Upthegrove and Jaime Herrera Beutler faced off in what was their first time sharing a debate stage. …Herrera Beutler is a Republican running with a plan to grow the state’s timber industry. Upthegrove, a Democrat, is running on a platform of strong conservation values.

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Longshoremen from Maine to Texas appear likely to go on strike, seaport CEO says

By Russ Bynum
The Associated Press
September 24, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US East

SAVANNAH, Georgia — The chief executive over Georgia’s two booming seaports said Tuesday that a strike next week by dockworkers across the U.S. East and Gulf coasts appears likely, though he’s hopeful the resulting shutdown would last only a few days. …U.S. ports from Maine to Texas are preparing for a potential shutdown in a week, when the union representing 45,000 dockworkers in that region has threatened to strike starting Oct. 1. That’s when the contract expires between the International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance, which represents the ports. Negotiations on a new contract halted in June. A strike would shut down 36 ports that handle roughly half the nations’ cargo from ships. …There hasn’t been a national longshoremen’s strike in the U.S. since 1977. …A prolonged strike would almost certainly hurt the U.S. economy.

In related coverage:

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Finance & Economics

New home price index remains stable at the Canada level

Statistics Canada
September 23, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: Canada

The national index was unchanged month over month in August. Prices were unchanged in 13 of the 27 census metropolitan areas (CMAs) surveyed, while they increased in 8 and declined in the remaining 6 CMAs. The largest month-over-month decrease in August was recorded in Calgary (-0.4%), followed by St. Catharines–Niagara (-0.3%). …Nationally, the index was unchanged on a year-over-year basis in August following a 0.1% increase in July. The New Housing Price Index increased in 10 CMAs surveyed and was unchanged in 3, while it declined in 14.

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Prices of products manufactured in Canada decreased 0.8% in August

Statistics Canada
September 20, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: Canada

Prices of products manufactured in Canada, as measured by the Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI), decreased 0.8% month over month in August and rose 0.2% on a yearly basis. …Lower prices for energy and petroleum products were mainly responsible for the decline. Excluding energy and petroleum products, the IPPI decreased 0.2%. …The IPPI‘s monthly decline in August was moderated by higher prices for several commodities, with lumber and other wood products and chemicals and chemical products being the largest upward contributors. Prices for lumber and other wood products rose 2.1% in August. Softwood lumber was the main driver of the higher prices in this group, rebounding 7.7% in August after four consecutive monthly declines.

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US Home Price Growth Slowing

By Onnah Dereski
NAHB – Eye on Housing
September 24, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

Home prices remain elevated but price growth continues to decelerate, according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index (HPI). The HPI (seasonally adjusted) reached its 14th monthly consecutive record high in July 2024. The index increased at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 2.15%, down slightly from a revised June rate of 2.19%. This rate has slowed over the past six months, from a high of 6.53% in February 2024. The index has not seen an outright decrease since January of 2023 (nineteen months). Separately, the House Price Index released by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA; SA) posted its sixth monthly consecutive record high, after having decreased slightly in January of this year. The FHFA HPI recorded a 1.57% increase in July, upward from a revised 0.03% rate in June.

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US Consumer Confidence Dips Amid Job Market Concerns

By Fan-Yu Kuo
The NAHB Eye on Housing
September 24, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

Consumer confidence fell to a 3-month low in September due to growing concerns about the job market, despite the labor market remaining healthy. Recent job growth revisions showed fewer jobs were added in 2023 than initially reported. However, the unemployment rate remained at a relatively low level and wage growth continued to outpace inflation. This suggests the labor market is cooling from its red-hot pace but remains steady. The Consumer Confidence Index fell from 105.6 to 98.7 in September, the largest monthly decline since August 2021. The Consumer Confidence Index consists of two components: how consumers feel about their present situation and about their expected situation. The Present Situation Index decreased 10.3 points from 134.6 to 124.3, and the Expectation Situation Index fell 4.6 points from 86.3 to 81.7, but still remained above the 80 threshold. Historically, an Expectation Index reading below 80 often signals a recession within a year.

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It will take more than just a drop in interest rates to save the housing market

By Samantha Delouya
September 23, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

The Federal Reserve’s interest rate cut last week has given prospective homebuyers something to celebrate: lower borrowing costs. …But while lower mortgage rates may translate to more buying power for homebuyers, America’s housing market woes aren’t likely to be solved solely by rate cuts. A shortage of homes for sale, combined with rising expenses like homeowners’ insurance and rent, have made the cost of both owning and renting a home in America increasingly unaffordable for many. …This shortage of homes has helped propel home prices to record highs. According to the National Association of Realtors, the median existing-home sales price was $416,700 in August, down slightly from the record high of $426,900 set in June. …There’s another reason: Many Americans bought homes in the years after the pandemic when rates were at historic lows. Many of those homeowners have been reluctant to sell and lose those cheap loans.

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US Custom Home Building Share Declines in 2023

By Ashok Chaluvadi
The NAHB Eye on Housing
September 20, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States

In 2023, 18.8% of all new single-family homes started were custom homes. This share decreased from the 20.4% recorded in 2022, according to data tabulated from the Census Bureau’s Survey of Construction. The custom home market consists of contractor-built and owner-built homes—homes built one at a time for owner occupancy on the owner’s land, with either the owner or a builder acting as a general contractor. The alternatives are homes built-for-sale and homes built-for-rent. In 2023, 71.5% of the single-family homes started were built-for-sale, and 9.7% were built-for-rent. At an 18.9% share, the number of custom homes started in 2023 was 177,850, falling from 207,472 in 2022.

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July Southern Pine Lumber Exports Report

By Eric Gee, Executive Director
The Southern Forest Products Association
September 23, 2024
Category: Finance & Economics
Region: United States, US East

Exports of Southern Pine lumber (treated and untreated) continue to outpace 2023, up 15% through July, but were down 25% over June 2024 and down 12% over the same month a year ago, according to July data from the USDA. This is the second straight month Southern Pine exports were down after reaching a three-year high of 59.7 Mbf in May and marks a five-month low. Softwood imports, meanwhile, were down 1% in July over 2023 and down 5% over June. By dollar value, Southern Pine exports between January and July 2024 are running 4% ahead of the same period in 2023 at $130.2 million, with Mexico leading the way at $38.5 million, followed by the Dominican Republic at $31 million, and India at $10 million. Treated lumber exports, meanwhile, are nearly flat over the year at $81 million led by Jamaica with $13.7 million, the Leeward-Windward Islands at $13.1 million, and the Dominican Republic at $6.5 million.

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Wood, Paper & Green Building

Concrete innovation: a deep dive into the long-term impacts of cement

By Macenzie Rebelo
Canadian Contractor
September 24, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada

Concrete has been the most relied upon and used building material not only in Canada but the entire world. In fact, concrete is the second most consumed material in the world next to water. Concrete provides structural benefits due to its reliability and durability. …It is also highly accessible, which makes it cost-effective and affordable. However, the cement industry is responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gases and Canada produces approximately 60 million tonnes of concrete each year, explains the Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC). …According to the CAGBC, a way to reduce embodied carbon in concrete is to add supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) to concrete mixes, reducing the amount of cement. …Timber is also a common substitute for concrete entirely and in the last decade, there has been a push across the nation to build with mass timber. 

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The Innovative Ways Colorado is Addressing a Housing Shortage

By the Office of Economic Development and International Trade
Government of Colorado
September 20, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: United States, US West

COLORADO — State programs are working to harness the potential of innovative off-site building technology by incentivizing the industry’s growth across Colorado. Funding from Proposition 123 and the Innovative Housing Incentive Program is being invested into housing projects and housing manufacturers, including the largest one-time investment by a state government into the industry to date. …Through off-site housing manufacturing, housing components are built in factories. … Today, offsite housing manufacturers are exploring new, innovative ways to manufacture the parts of multifamily and single family housing. These include the manufacture of mass-timber panels that have the potential to reduce carbon emissions and lower construction costs, and 3D printing using robots. With state support, Colorado manufacturers are pioneering many of these impressive technologies. Timber Age Systems manufactures panelized homes using timber harvested during much-needed wildfire mitigation work in southwest Colorado. 

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Stora Enso’s new head office in Helsinki – a beacon of sustainable and low-carbon construction

Stora Enso
September 18, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: International

HELSINKI, Finland — Stora Enso has started operations in its new head office, Katajanokan Laituri in Helsinki, the largest mass timber building in Finland. Showcasing the company’s wood products and solutions, the building is a true landmark in sustainable architecture and low-carbon construction. The lightweight, prefabricated mass timber elements allowed the multi-storey, mixed-use building to be the first project in decades to be constructed in the historic, well-preserved as well as culturally significant Helsinki landscape and harbour area. The building, owned by mutual pension insurance company Varma, was completed on schedule in July 2024. The four-storey Katajanokan Laituri houses Stora Enso’s head office and Solo Sokos Hotel Pier 4. The building is also open to the public who now can experience and enjoy the wooden architectural design in its entirety.

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Quebec pension fund to invest in forestland in the US Pacific Northwest

By Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Cision Newswire
September 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, United States

MONTRÉAL — CDPQ, a global investment group [and the second-largest pension fund in Canada], and Chinook Forest Partners, a natural capital investment manager, announced the launch of a new investment platform that will deploy significant capital to build a diversified and high-quality portfolio of forestland in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. …Established in 2018, the Chinook team is made up of experienced forestland and natural capital investment professionals with comprehensive understanding of the natural capital and landscape investment space, as well as a vast network of landowners, forest products manufacturers, external partners, and natural capital investors across the United States. …Emmanuel Jaclot, Executive VP and Head of Infrastructure at CDPQ said “By investing in forestland, we are not only protecting valuable natural assets but also contributing to the transition towards a greener economy.”

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Too hot to handle — Summer wildfires are stretching provincial resources to their limits.

By Matthew McClearn
The Globe and Mail
September 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

The ability to share firefighters, water bombers and other resources reached the breaking point this summer, when numerous wildfires burned across Western Canada. The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, which co-ordinates sharing of personnel and equipment coast to coast, reported that demand for resources was “extreme.” …Sharing resources makes a lot of sense. Fixed budgets for wildland firefighting in large provinces such as Ontario, B.C. and Alberta have neared $200-million or more in recent years. …But with wildfire activity surging in so many different places simultaneously, relying heavily on neighbours is becoming a riskier strategy. Does Canada have enough crews, choppers and water bombers to fight wildfires amid the 21st century’s rapidly warming climate? Recent NPL data suggest that it does not. …After 2023′s disastrous fire season, political momentum for increasing resources has increased. Many of these purchases have received support from Ottawa. [to access the full story a Globe & Mail subscription is required]

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B.C. man speaks out on wrongful arrest after watchdog slams RCMP conduct at Fairy Creek

By Brett Forester
CBC News
September 24, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

A British Columbia man is speaking out after the RCMP watchdog chastised a controversial unit for its “frequent unreasonable actions” at Fairy Creek in 2021. Brian Smallshaw, from Salt Spring Island, said he suspected the force was breaking the law. …In a scathing report completed last month, the commission found the Mounties wrongfully arrested Smallshaw. The company that owns the logging rights in the contested area, Teal-Jones Group, was granted an injunction in B.C. Supreme Court prohibiting protesters from blocking access to roads and company activity. The report harshly criticizes the RCMP’s Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) for using legally unjustified, “disproportionately intrusive” methods when enforcing that injunction. …The report says the complaints commission made similar findings about C-IRG in three subsequent reviews, which are not yet public. …In a statement, the RCMP agreed with the recommendations, including that someone should apologize to Smallshaw.

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Ducks Unlimited Canada unveil commemorative cairn honouring George Reifel, a long-time advocate of wetland conservation

By Ducks Unlimited Canada
By Cision Newswire
September 24, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

DELTA, BC — Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) unveiled a commemorative cairn honouring George Reifel, a long-time advocate of waterfowl and wetland conservation and a passionate supporter of DUC. The ceremony took place at the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, a conservation area named for Reifel’s grandfather, George C. Reifel, that represents the Reifel family’s enduring commitment to wildlife and habitat preservation. …”George Reifel’s dedication to conservation has left an enduring mark on our landscapes and our organization,” said Michael Nadler, CEO of Ducks Unlimited Canada. “The sanctuary and wetlands he and his family helped protect will continue to flourish as living tributes to their efforts. His dedication and selfless contributions are worthy of celebration, and recognition.”

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Indigenous Peoples, B.C. collaborate for progress on reconciliation [factsheet)

By Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Government of British Columbia
September 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Reconciliation is a provincial imperative, embedded in law, and there is real progress and change. In 2019, government passed the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Declaration Act). …Through this work, government is building a province where Indigenous excellence, leadership, governance and self-determination are recognized and respected. …Reconciliation agreements [with significant forestry components] include:

  • B.C. increases forest revenue sharing with First Nations: To ensure First Nations see immediate benefits while the new model is being developed, B.C. is providing an interim increase to the rates under the existing forestry revenue sharing program. (April 2022) 
  • Conservation strengthened in Great Bear Rainforest: The Province and Kwiakah First Nation have created a new Special Forest Management Area supporting regenerative forestry and conservation in the southern Great Bear Rainforest. (May 2024)

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Forestry contractors recognized in Mosaic’s annual Island safety awards

My Cowichan Valley Now
September 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Forestry contractors from Campbell River to Duncan were recently recognized for their commitment to workplace safety and excellence. Mosaic Forest Management presented the awards last month at its annual safety conference in Nanaimo. From Campbell River, Wahkash Contracting won the Excellence in Safety Culture and Innovation Award, Way Key LP won Indigenous Business of the Year, and Stewart Wheatley won the Leadership in Log Quality Award. From Courtenay, Chris Guthrie was selected as Crew Safety Champion, and Steve McArthur won the Life Saver Award. From the Nanaimo region Profor Consulting was recognized for Longstanding Safety Performance and Bill Boyes was chosen as Crew Safety Champ. And in the Duncan area Jordan River Logging was chosen for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion, John Hay won the Lifesaver Award, and DC Johnstone Excavating was chosen for Excellence in Environmental Performance.

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A solution for reducing wildfire risk and costs in B.C.

By Amy Cardinal Christianson and Robert Gray
The Vancouver Sun
September 19, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

We need to coexist with wildfire… but what does it mean? It signifies something different to different people — to the Indigenous community evacuating three times in five years, the elderly couple with cardiopulmonary issues who struggle to breathe come August, or the small tourism operator watching as bookings drop year after year. …We have to invest in solutions that reduce risk and expense — solutions that contribute to economies and communities instead of draining them….The current thinking holds that total fire cost is six to 30 times the fire-suppression cost. But we don’t know for sure because B.C. doesn’t track it. …One solution to these mounting costs is Indigenous fire stewardship. After all, Indigenous peoples have coexisted with fire for millennia. They put fire on the land in spring and fall to create meadows, diversify species, and generate abundant harvests. 

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Guilbeault dangles the prospect of big money and invites Quebec to negotiate on caribou

By Stéphane Blais
The Canadian Press in CTV News
September 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

QUEBEC — Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault has invited his Quebec counterpart to the negotiating table to reach an agreement on caribou before Christmas. …In his letter, Guilbeault reiterated that his government is ready to implement “a collaborative approach, including federal funding” to protect the caribou. “The government can make up to $77.8 million in contributions for boreal caribou available. …Guilbeault also said that he would like to negotiate an agreement on biodiversity, “for which Environment and Climate Change Canada is prepared to make an additional contribution of $100 million.” …The minister also explained that “$68 million from the $2 billion tree program could also be made available to support a possible collaborative agreement to support tree planting for habitat restoration.” In total, the federal government could contribute “up to $465.8 million to support Quebec’s efforts to achieve our shared conservation goals.

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U.S. Forest Service needs to turn over a new leaf when it comes to old growth

By Ben Jealous, Executive Director, Sierra Club
The Seattle Times
September 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

I was excited when the Biden administration took a step that could become one of the most significant public lands conservation actions in recent memory: issuing an executive order to conserve old-growth and mature forests across federal lands. …The agency has an opportunity to meet that goal and fulfill its conservation responsibility, but only if it enacts a national old-growth amendment that provides strong management standards that retain and grow our oldest forests. The stakes are too high to miss this opportunity. …We can grow our economy by keeping our national forests standing rather than turning them into wood products or paper. National forests produce just a small fraction of the country’s wood supply — nearly 90% comes from privately held forests. …As the amendment is currently written, it allows for loopholes to commercially log old growth and does not set meaningful protections for mature trees.

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We Are Running Out of Firefighters at a Perilous Time

By Robert Langellier
The New York Times
September 21, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

Earlier this month, the United States was on the verge of a nightmare scenario. Several Western wildfires were raging at once. …There wasn’t a single elite operations unit available. …In the era of climate change and forest mismanagement, it’s tempting to shrug one’s shoulders and presume that firefighter shortages are inevitable. But it doesn’t have to be this way. …Unlike urban firefighters, wildland firefighters are specially trained to take on the wildfires that plague the West. For years, those employed by the federal government have complained about profound levels of attrition driven by poor pay, increasingly exhausting working conditions and a lack of mental-health support. …But in August, the House and Senate approved budgets that make President Biden’s temporary increase permanent. Now would be a good time for Congress to pass a federal spending bill so it becomes a reality. [For full access to this story a NY Times subscription is required]

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Oregon Department of Forestry is out of money to pay for the most expensive wildfire season in state history

By Evan Watson
KGW8 News
September 20, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

PORTLAND, Oregon — The Oregon Department of Forestry needs emergency funding to pay for the most expensive wildfire season in state history, with record-high costs of $250 million and counting. As of mid-September, more than 1.9 million acres of land had burned across Oregon — nearly double the acreage burned in the notorious 2020 wildfire season, and far above any other year in ODF’s recorded history. …Kyle Williams, ODF’s deputy director for fire operations… “Just because the smoke wasn’t present in our more populated areas doesn’t mean that (wildfires) weren’t deeply impactful.” ODF has now exhausted its funds. In order to pay firefighters and contractors, the department is returning to its usual process of acquiring more money from the state — except this time, it may not be enough. …ODF is asking for $47.5 million from the E-Board this September, including a request for $40 million from the board’s general fund.

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Georgia Senate Forestry Committee Plans Key Discussion on Sustainability Practices

By Bella Cruz
September 24, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

As Georgia’s Senate continues its exploration of how best to push the state’s forestry into the future, a second meeting by the Senate Advancing Forest Innovation in Georgia Study Committee has been scheduled. Set for Monday, September 30, at 10:00 a.m., President Pro Tempore John F. Kennedy (R–Macon) is slated to chair this pivotal discussion on supporting sustainable practices in forestry and related industries. …The committee, focusing on public policy to foster investment into facilities that utilize Georgia-grown products to manufacture sustainable components and energy, first convened on a date not specified. Their task is to advance forest innovation through legislation, research, and partnerships that bolster the sector’s eco-friendly and economic potential. 

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‘Still suffering’: Residents in Florida’s new hurricane alley brace for Helene impact

By Ana Goñi-Lessan, James Call and Jeff Burlew
The Tallahassee Democrat
September 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

FLORIDA — Everyone is gun shy in Taylor County, Florida. …After Hurricane Idalia, then Hurricane Debby, Florida residents aren’t taking any chances, he said. …Tropical Cyclone Nine in the Gulf of Mexico, soon-to-be Helene, shows Florida’s Big Bend as a likely destination for a Thursday landfall of a possible Category 3 hurricane. It’s still too early to pinpoint the exact location of landfall, but the storm could land in Taylor County again – making it the third time the area has been hit by a hurricane in a little over a year. …Michelle Curtis has worked in the forestry industry for more than 50 years, and said the region is still reeling from the one – two punch Idalia and Debby delivered. The two storms created about a combined $500 million in agricultural losses, according to a University of Florida. 

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Inaction is not an option for a healthy Hoosier National Forest

By Chris Thornton, district ranger for the Hoosier National Forest
The Herald Times
September 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

INDIANA — Managing public lands is a balancing act. There are laws, policies, executive orders, local economies, visitor needs, climate change predictions, effects to threatened and endangered species, the protection of cultural resources and sensitive natural areas, tribal consultation, public input, and the latest science to consider when making decisions. …First, it must be noted that our forests are not pristine, nor are they static. Habitat loss and degradation have resulted in major bird declines, including ruffed grouse, American woodcock and a variety of songbirds. We need to reestablish a diversity of forest habitats, from young to old, with a variety of plant species and structural complexity to meet the needs of native wildlife. …We also need to consider the mix of tree species the forest needs on the landscape in the future, as some species are predicted to be more successful than others given our changing climate.

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To grow Minnesota’s future forests, an effort to collect seeds takes root

By Dan Kraker
Minnesota Public Radio News
September 23, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

At the University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center, Nick LaBonte scanned the branches for bunches of cones hiding among the needles. …LaBonte was not seeking the cones themselves, but rather the precious cargo they protect inside — tiny seeds. …It was all part of a tree seed collection workshop — one of three hosted across the state by the University of Minnesota Extension, to train about 100 people in how to find and collect tree seeds. The sessions are part of a larger effort aimed at addressing a crucial shortfall in the state’s reforestation efforts — there aren’t enough seeds, nor the people to collect them, to grow the trees needed in a changing climate. Minnesota boasts about 17 million acres of forest. But those forests are changing. They’re stressed by disease, insects, drought and warming temperatures. Seed supply is a key ingredient for land managers to be able to maintain productive forests.

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Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy

New Study Suggests California Should Start Counting Timber Industry’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By R.V. Scheide
A News Cafe
September 23, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

A new study on the impacts of the logging and wood products industry in Shasta and Siskiyou Counties has found such economic activities emit an average of 4 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year. …The estimated climate damages caused by the emissions far exceeds the revenue generated by logging and wood products. The kicker? According to the study, California does not currently report or regulate GHG emissions from industrial logging activities because they are erroneously considered carbon neutral. The emissions produced by the industry statewide is estimated to be 17 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year. …The new study, “Climate Impacts of Logging and Wood Products in Shasta and Siskiyou Counties, California” was conducted by John Talberth, Ph.D., for the Center for Sustainable Economy, an environmental economics think tank based in Port Townsend, WA. …The report was commissioned by the Battle Creek Alliance, an environmental nonprofit.

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Biomass plant in California set to break ground with major financing from local agency

By Jeremiah Budin
The Cool Down
September 23, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

CALIFORNIA — Construction is moving forward on a biomass plant in California that has been trying to get greenlit for the past decade. In addition to generating energy for Californians, the plant is intended to help reduce the risk of wildfires spreading. The new plant will receive wood and other plant materials from nearby forest restoration and maintenance projects in the Yuba River watershed. …Biomass is not necessarily the cleanest form of renewable energy. Cutting down trees just to turn them into biomass, for example, is not environmentally friendly. However, in California’s case, the biomass would come from plant materials removed to aid in wildfire prevention, making the entire process much less wasteful. …The plant, which will cost $30 million in total, is being funded in part by $7 million and an $8.3 million low-interest loan from the Yuba Water Agency.

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Figures reveal significant role of UK waste wood industry in net zero

By Savannahg Coombe
September 23, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

LONDON — New independently verified figures from the Wood Recyclers’ Association (WRA) have shown the big part the waste wood industry has to play in reducing carbon emissions. The figures have revealed that waste wood biomass – which makes up roughly two thirds of the UK market for waste wood – saved almost three-quarters of a million (701,000) tonnes of carbon emissions in 2023 when compared to the likely displaced energy generation. These savings could be increased to 3.6 million tonnes of carbon savings if these plants were fitted with carbon capture and storage technology (CCS). This could represent 16% of the government’s target to capture 23MtCO2/year by 2035. …The carbon data represents the culmination of two years of work by the WRA’s Net Zero working group, which aimed to quantify the carbon benefits that the waste wood sector provides in addition to its contribution to the circular economy. 

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Health & Safety

Knowing polluting impact of home fires could modify behaviour, study finds

By Gary Fuller
The Guardian UK
September 20, 2024
Category: Health & Safety
Region: International

UK — Wood and coal-burning homes in the UK now produce more particle air pollution than the vehicles on our roads. …The campaign group Mums for Lungs have called for a ban on stove sales and a public health campaign, but government action is based on helping people to burn better rather than not burning at all. …Dr James Heydon from the University of Nottingham has carried out a study on burning to heat homes. “We therefore decided to test whether a successful approach from the US could help fill the regulatory gap.” Many parts of the US have enforceable bans on home heating with stoves and fireplaces when air pollution builds up across the area. …Fifty Sheffield homes agreed to check a study website before lighting their fires. This gave green, amber and red alerts, depending on local air pollution. As a result, 74% of householders modified their behaviour.

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