Category Archives: Forestry


The world’s boreal forests may be shrinking as climate change pushes them northward

By Ronny Rotbarth, David Cooper, Logan Berner & Roman Dial
The Conversation Canada
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

Earth’s boreal forests circle our planet’s far northern reaches, just south of the Arctic’s treeless tundra. …Because boreal forests and soils face subzero winters and short summers, these forests and the animals that live in them are shifting northward as temperatures rise. …Satellite measurements show that plant growth widely increased along the cold northern margins of the boreal forest in recent decades, but it often decreased along the warm southern margins − potential early indicators that the boreal forest is beginning to migrate northward. …Our combined research shows that boreal forests are, in fact, responding to rising temperatures. But rapid rates of climatic change mean that trees likely can’t move northward at a pace that keeps up with their loss in the south. …Will trees in the far north ever catch up with climate and prevent forest contraction? At this point, scientists simply don’t know.

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After burn: The new face of fire puts wildlife on the hot seat

By Hilary Cooke and Justina Ray
Canadian Geographic
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

According to one calculation, the area burned in Canada during the 2023 summer season was greater than half the countries in the world… the boreal forest ecosystem has evolved with a natural cycle of fire and regrowth. But things are changing – fast. Hotter, drier conditions driven by a climate that is changing much faster at northern latitudes than in southern areas have set the stage for more frequent and intense burns across the boreal region. Well-honed wildlife strategies for living with fire, whether sheltering in water or wetlands or racing to escape the flames, are being tested like never before. …there needs to be a shift to more proactive and holistic approaches that help sustain wildlife in the face of all the changes we have triggered… [Starting with] a strong national Biodiversity Strategy to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework signed by Canada last fall.  

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Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s virtual Conservation Impact Sounding Board Workshop

Sustainable Forestry Initiative
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, United States

Register to attend SFI’s virtual Conservation Impact Sounding Board Workshop on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 1:30-3:30 P.M. ET. The SFI Conservation Impact Project encompasses SFI outcomes from sustainably managed forests relative to climate change, biodiversity, and water. The Sounding Board provides an opportunity to learn about SFI research and sustainability initiatives, provide insights and engage in this important work. This Conservation Impact Sounding Board remote session focuses on sharing information, building dialogue, fostering discussion, and collecting feedback. This event is structured in two parts: a short presentation followed by an interactive session for discussion and idea-sharing. Learn about a Climate Smart Forestry Handbook for forest and certification managers from current SFI Conservation Grant recipients Manomet and Maine Tree Foundation and provide insight for SFI’s future conservation strategy to ensure ambitious advancement on sustainability and nature-positive issues in sustainable forestry.

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Free to Grow in Forestry is hosting a FREE educational virtual workshop on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Inclusive Leadership!

Canadian Institute of Forestry
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada

Interested to learn about the Free to Grow in Forestry initiative? Want to know how you can join the many companies and organizations in the forest sector that have taken the pledge to make a change to their workplace culture on diversity and inclusion? Whether you are in Canada, the USA, or elsewhere, you are welcome to come and listen to what we are doing to make a difference in the forest sector on this important topic. Join us for this FREE online workshop, Thursday, December 7, as we hear from leaders discussing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the forest sector. This inclusive leadership webinar will provide practical tools on how you can make a difference to your workplace culture.

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Yellowknife doesn’t have a long-term plan for its firebreaks — yet

By Liny Lamberink
CBC News
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The City of Yellowknife said it intends to develop a long-term plan for the multi-million dollar firebreaks that were hastily built this summer — but those discussions are still in the early stages now. “We’re still kind of reeling from recovery,” explained Chris Greencorn, the city’s manager of public works and the city’s operations chief during the wildfire emergency. “We don’t have a solid long-term plan yet, we’re still putting our hands around it.” …The long-term plan, he said, will be about balance: allowing for some kind of natural revegetation, but also making sure the breaks can be used to protect the city from fire again. There might also be ways to repurpose them for recreational use, like cross country skiing or hiking trails, said Greencorn.

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For every tree harvested in Alberta, three others take its place

By Robin Brunet
Edmonton Journal
November 3, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

A dedicated group of people work in Alberta’s forests, armed with laptops and other equipment as they carefully assess the ecosystem to ensure that flora and fauna will flourish. If this sounds like ecology in action, it is. The group in question is forest professionals, and Alberta Forest Products Association (AFPA) explains that forestry in the 21st century is geared toward resource sustainability and regeneration. Aspen Dudzic, director of communications at AFPA, says, “Forest professionals have always been committed to regenerating forests. Sustainability is the foundation of forest management planning in Alberta. “People enter this profession because they love the forest; they spend their lives recreating in it and they take that passion, and they turn it into a profession. They are managing the forest not just for today, but for future generations so that their children and grandchildren will always have healthy forests to enjoy.” 

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Saskatchewan Ness Creek residents concerned about clear-cutting near iconic festival grounds

By Jeffrey Meskens
Global News
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

SASKATCHEWAN — Ness Creek, known for its camping and festival grounds near Big River, Saskatchewan, will be met with a jarring sight come summer. Clear-cutting activities are underway across the road from the festival grounds. This development has raised concerns among local… advocates [who] have pleaded with the government to exclude Ness Creek from the Forest Management Agreement, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. They believe that the forest should be managed using more selective and sustainable approaches. Saskatchewan ministry of environment says the harvesting plans are designed to be sustainable by emulating large, frequent natural disturbances, such as wildfire, to which plant and animal species are well adapted. …Sakâw Askiy Management Inc., the company responsible for the Forest Management Agreement stated that only 40% of the land would be available for timber harvesting after considering parks, protected areas, caribou habitat, water bodies, wetlands, and more.

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Kootenay Boundary wildfire resiliency plans blaze into action

The Rossland News
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Work is underway to boost wildfire resilience in six Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) municipalities. Fruitvale, Montrose, Warfield, Trail, Grand Forks, and Greenwood will participate in the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWRP), which are being developed to pinpoint and mitigate fire risks, and enhance regional readiness and recovery. The Kootenay Boundary Community FireSmart and Resiliency Committee kickstarted the CWRP project, emphasizing the area’s unique risk profile and the importance of proactive community preparation. B.A. Blackwell and Associates Ltd. is leading the project, with plans slated for completion in April 2024. CWRPs will guide the region’s wildfire resilience actions for five to 10 years, focusing on community capacity, collaboration, and actionable recommendations aligned with FireSmart principles.

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Don’t Thank Me for Being a Tree Planter

By Alana Friend Lettner
The Tyee
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The longer I do this work, the more I’m convinced its green public image is undeserved. I began tree planting seven years ago when I was 24. …Five seasons later, I can say with some confidence that I know what it is I’m doing out there, on the block. Like the loggers employed by Conifex or Canfor, like the labourers working on the Site C dam or Teck Coal miners, I, too, am making a living off the exploitation of the land. Speaking about our complicity in resource extraction, a planter friend once remarked to me: “If I had to choose, I’d rather be planting trees than cutting them down.” I’m not sure there is much good in differentiating these acts; the way I see it, planting and logging are two sides of the same coin.

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Vancouver court challenge claims Canada failed to protect endangered birds

By Stefan Labbé
Vancouver is Awesome
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Canada’s federal government failed to properly protect more than two dozen threatened or endangered migratory bird species across the country — including the marbled murrelet, a seabird that nests in the coastal old-growth forests of British Columbia — lawyers argued at a Vancouver, B.C, federal court Wednesday. The case dates back to April 2022, when the Sierra Club BC and Wilderness Committee sued Environment and Climate Change Canada for what they say was an “unreasonable” interpretation of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). …The court action represents an escalation of the two environmental groups’ efforts to protect critical marbled murrelet habitat. For two years leading up to the request for judicial review, they sent petitions and letters calling on the federal and B.C. governments to take action. When they failed, they turned to federal court, and will call on Justice Paul Crampton to render a decision over the coming months.

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New UBC forestry undergraduate program: Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources

University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

UBC Forestry is introducing exciting changes to its undergraduate programs by introducing a new ‘Bachelor’s of Science in Natural Resources’ starting in fall 2024. Five of the Faculty of Forestry’s current degree programs are being unified into one degree, with students choosing from six majors, each providing a well-rounded education in unique fields of Natural Resource studies. Students will all take a common first year, with some course selection freedom to obtain prerequisites for potential majors, and then have the opportunity to select a major in second year in bioeconomy sciences and technology, conservation, forest management, forest operations, forest sciences, or wood products. Two new first year courses will introduce students to some of the most wicked environmental problems facing humanity such as climate change, catastrophic fires and floods, resource over-exploitation, food insecurity and poverty, and will show how these sorts of challenges, are interdisciplinary needing innovative ecological, social and entrepreneurial solutions.

Original July 6, 2023 press release here 

Q&A with Associate Dean for Students in the Faculty of Forestry, Scott Hinch

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North Island Community Forest a lasting legacy

By Kathy O’Reilly
North Island Eagle
October 27, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Ione Brown

The North Island Community Forest (NICF) LP held an open house on Oct. 19. …NICF is currently owned by the Tri-Port communities – Port Hardy, Port McNeill, and Port Alice – and is run by a board of directors, said Chairperson Ione Brown. “Town councils appoint the directors, they receive our financial statements, we have an annual general meeting together and updates quarterly. They are not involved in the management, so it’s an arm’s length business. We run the business ourselves with guidance and a mandate from them each year, but no day-to-day involvement,” Brown said. …There are 61 Community Forests in British Columbia, and the North Island is at number 54 on the list in size. “We need some advocacy because we really think we should be bigger and we should be able to provide more benefits to the towns and it’s hard to do that when you only have 10,400 cubic metres a year,” Brown said.

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First Nations Forestry Council News

BC First Nations Forestry Council
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

October has been a very busy month. Our Indigenous Forestry Scholarship Program (IFSP) team has been busy traveling to many areas across our province working with our students and meeting with industry and academia to develop partnerships and grow relationships. Our organization was busy preparing for and presenting our annual FNFC Provincial Forum that was held in Kamloops on October 11-13. I raise my hands up to all our FNFC staff and the Province who made it a success. I could not be present this year due to a loss in our family and am grateful to all my colleagues and friends for reaching out to me and my family at that time to share your condolences. … The FNFC has been working with the province and industry as part of the Value Added Accelerators working group.

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FireSmart BC – Monthly Newsletter

British Columbia FireSmart
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

In this edition of the FireSmart BC news:

  • The FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program – Princeton Neighbourhood Feature
  • FireSmart BC Education Program Update – FireSmart BC Education Program was recently launched to equip educators and students with essential knowledge on safety, fire science, mitigation, prevention, and ecosystem stewardship.
  • Call For Footage – We are looking for images or videos of the fires that impacted either West Kelowna or the Shuswap regions in the Summer of 2023.
  • Upcoming Summit: Save the Date! – The next Wildfire Resiliency and Training Summit will be held April 20-24, 2024, in Prince George, BC. Stay tuned for more information and keep an eye out for updates.
  • Get FireSmart Podcast: Episode 33 – Hear from Wayne Schnitzler, Executive Director of the First Nations Emergency Services Society.

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Here’s what the Tri-Port is doing with its community forest funds

North Island Gazette
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

On Oct. 19, forestry and municipal types mingled together at the Seven Hills Golf and Country Club for an open house, hosted by the North Island Community Forest Limited Partnership, (NICF.) …It was back in 2011 when Port Alice, Port Hardy and Port McNeill were awarded a small but significant forest tenure, and a diverse group of local talent was chosen by the respective town councils to be the board of directors.  …The volunteer board of directors announced, after dishing out more than $6 million in profit so far, that they were at it again, as more money was made with a recently completed project. …That contract was for salvaged/damaged windfall in the Marble River operating area, approximately 7800m3 of wind fallen timber. …Recreation continues to be a key part of NICF’s focus.  …It wasn’t all good news on the forest front. NICF continues to “lose value” due to log theft and unauthorized firewood cutting. 

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Conservation financing is a game-changer for BC’s old-growth forests

By Ken Wu, ED, Endangered Ecosystems Alliance
The Georgia Straight
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Ken Wu

Last week, BC Premier David Eby announced a new $300 million “conservation financing mechanism.” Based on a startup contribution of $150 million from the Province and $150 million from the BC Parks Foundation (the charitable partner of the BC Parks agency), the fund will support First Nations communities to establish new Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs).  ….Conservation financing is funding for Indigenous communities linked to the establishment of new protected areas and conservation initiatives. In BC, the Province cannot unilaterally establish protected areas and “just save the old-growth” on Crown/unceded First Nations lands; the support of local First Nations governments is a legal necessity in their territories.  …Conservation financing is key to meet the needs of Indigenous communities for sustainable economic development alternatives to their old-growth logging dependencies. 

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Forester hopes to catch up on Winnipeg elm removals as fewer diseased trees found in 2023

By Josh Crabb
CBC News
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Martha Barwinsky

On a sunny October day in Winnipeg’s West Broadway neighbourhood, a private contractor used a piece of heavy machinery called a tree care handler to remove a large elm on the boulevard near John Unger’s home.  Unger said it was bittersweet to watch the machine — equipped with a telescoping boom and a hydraulic grapple saw — quickly cut through large branches, removing the tree faster than crews could if they only had chainsaws and a bucket truck.  …While the number of trees with Dutch elm disease that were identified to be removed this year is down significantly from the average of the previous four years, Winnipeg is still playing catch-up on trees that were marked in 2022, according to city forester Martha Barwinsky.  “We did get behind and a lot of that has to do with the labour shortage, so labour shortage through private industry and even with ourselves,” Barwinsky said.

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BC Community Forest Association Newsletter

The BC Community Forest Association
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

In the October edition, you’ll find:

  • BCCFA and the Ministry of Forests partner to support the efforts of community forests in long-term wildfire resiliency activities and expansion of cultural and prescribed fire with $300,000 in new funding.
  • Regional Meet Up – The Southern Six Annual – West Boundary, Harrop-Procter, Kaslo, Nakusp, Slocan and Creston community forests were all represented at their annual gathering, this year in  Harrop Proctor.
  • Funding Bolsters Chinook Community Forest’s Vital Wildfire Risk Reduction Work – With funding from the Forest Enhancement Society of BC, Chinook Community Forest is moving forward on the essential work of fuel mitigation.
  • Forest and Fire Management in BC: Toward Landscape Resilience Webinar Recording Hosted by the BC Wildlife Federation. Tracy Andrews and Nick Reynolds from the BC Forest Practices Board (FPB) along with provincial forest and fire expert Bruce Blackwell discuss FPB’s recent fire management report.

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B.C. drought conditions increasing risk of hazardous ‘zombie’ trees

CBC News
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

They live among us and they could strike at any time. This is the alarm bell being sounded by arborists about so-called zombie trees. They appear undamaged immediately after severe weather conditions, such as storms and drought, but are in fact damaged internally and can fall at any time. Severe drought conditions across British Columbia could mean an increased number of hazardous zombie trees this year. Recognizing, and removing them is the only way to protect infrastructure and individuals in harm’s way, experts say. “What ends up happening is the trees are forced to use their stored energy to combat the drought, and they’re unable to produce excessive stored energy to fight back against pests, against storms,” said Scott Gardner, district manager at Davey Tree Expert Company. …He said he looks for signs of rot or mushrooms growing at a tree’s root section and abnormal growth patterns, damage or decay in the upper canopy. 

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Shuswap forestry projects prioritizing Indigenous interests

By Rebecca Willson
Eagle Valley News
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

A B.C.-based lumber company is forging ahead with forestry projects with a focus on Indigenous partnership. The Gorman Group operates mills across the province, including in Canoe, Revelstoke, Lumby and West Kelowna, and has always fostered a relationship with each region’s local Indigenous bands, said communication coordinator Nicole Arkle. After the devastation of the Bush Creek East wildfire, the company is strengthening its work with Skwlāx te Secwepemcúlecw, working on rebuilding projects and prioritizing environmental needs. While further information on specific projects will be released in coming days, Arkle said the company is passionate about doing the most it can to support decolonization efforts and highlighting the “many incredible things” the band and other Indigenous groups are always working on. “The forging of this relationship is a feel-good moment for all,” said James Tomma, Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw Kukpi7 (Chief) in a media release.

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Legal standing for prescribed burns among proposed changes to B.C. forest laws

By Simon Little and Cassidy Mosconi
Global News
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The BC government is proposing major changes to the way the province’s forests are managed. Forests Minister Bruce Ralston said B.C.’s rules and practices need to be updated in the face of climate change and the growing frequency and severity of extreme weather events. Proposed amendments to B.C.’s Forest Act, Forest and Range Practices Act and Wildfire Act will change how road-building and logging permits are issued, while giving prescribed burns a “legal standing.” …The province is pledging to work more closely with First Nations to increase the use of the technique Indigenous communities have used for centuries, tool to reduce wildfire risk. …Other proposed changes to the act include stiffening penalties for individuals and organizations that break forest regulation rules, as well as giving decision-makers discretion when giving out cutting and road-building permits.

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Registration opens for the 76th Forest Professionals BC Conference & AGM

Forest Professionals British Columbia
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Register now to get the early bird rate for the 76th FPBC conference and AGM, scheduled for February 7-9, 2024 at the Delta Hotels Grand Okanagan Resort in Kelowna. The 2024 conference will again be a hybrid event with both in-person attendance and virtual participation available. A volunteer group of forest professionals, chaired by Matt Scott, RPF, is currently hard at work on creating the program that will challenge and stimulate you. The 2024 FPBC conference will focus on the inter-connectivity of all aspects of the forested land base and will feature sessions on wildfire and fuel management, forest landscape planning, employee retention, collaborative planning, ecosystem integrity, partnering with First Nations, forest product diversification, and lessons learned from forestry in Finland.

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The Increment Newsletter

Forest Professionals British Columbia
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Check the newsletter for the Forest Professionals British Columbia for these headlines and more:

  • FPBC Registration Renewal Opens on November 1 with New Online System
  • Voting in FPBC Board Election Opens in December
  • FPBC Welcomes Niv Resheff as New Business Services Lead
  • Get Early Bird Rates for 2024 FPBC Conference and AGM
  • Join Community of Practice Wildland Fire and Fuel Meetings Series
  • Register for FPBC Webinar with Dr. Suzanne Simard, RPF

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New protections benefit forests, communities

By Ministry of Forests
Government of British Columbia
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Province is making changes to enable safer, more effective stewardship of the landscape, including forests, and the revitalization of cultural and prescribed fire and new compliance and enforcement measures. …If passed, amendments to the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Forest Act, and the Wildfire Act will help address public and First Nations’ interests in how forests are managed, giving government new tools to manage Crown land timber harvesting. …Changes to the FRPA will provide new tools to the Ministry of Forests’ compliance and enforcement team to better enforce natural resource laws in the province. The changes will strengthen the protection of First Nations values and interests and allow for a greater range of contravention penalties, ensuring there are appropriate consequences for non-compliance. …Amendments to the Wildfire Act will give prescribed fire legal standing in B.C.’s forest management tool kit … and allow for advancement in prescribed burns as a wildfire-mitigation practice.

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UBC prof sounds hydrology impact alarm about clear-cut logging

By Barry Gerding
West Kelowna News
October 28, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The forest industry is hanging on to an outdated premise that clear-cut logging is not the cause of environmental degradation that is damaging infrastructure and impacting water quality in B.C. communities, says a UBC hydrology professor. Dr. Younes Alila says the industry’s reliance on climate change as the scapegoat for the increase in extreme flooding, drought and landslide events is a justification of convenience that ignores established hydrology science. Alila says existing forest management and water resource management practices continue to be business as usual, influenced by the forest industry’s misleading perspective, while independent hydrology science is showing how those practices are destabilizing our forests. “So we continue to do clear-cut logging because it is the cheapest method of logging, but the next question is at what cost?” he asked.

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University of Calgary prof in partnership to help reduce boreal forest disruption from oil and gas exploration

By University of Calgary
Electric Energy Online
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

A University of Calgary professor is leading the charge to build solutions for industrial disturbances in Alberta’s boreal forest, in particular, seismic lines. …Alberta has around 1.8 million kilometres of seismic lines. Cut through wetlands and forests as long as 50 years ago, these lines were installed with the assumption that the trees and other plants would regenerate quickly once exploration was complete. But it has since been discovered that this is, unfortunately, not the case. Many seismic lines are successionally stagnated, meaning that they are not growing back naturally. And they have also been connected to wildlife depletion and other environmental concerns. …”They also have an impact on carbon dynamics. …McDermid leads a team representing industry, academics and government called Boreal Ecosystem Recovery and Assessment (BERA). Together, they are working to restore these common industrial disturbances.

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The unpopular prospect of closing backcountry roads to save wildlife

By Jimmy Thomson
The Narwhal
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Forest service roads are widely used by backcountry enthusiasts to gain quick access to the outdoors. But for wildlife — like caribou and grizzly bears — the roads can negatively impact their survival. …Forestry and mining, together, make up around $2.4 billion in direct revenue for the provincial government, plus at least 20,000 jobs — and accessing those resources demands roads. But when the companies move on, the roads take on a new life as access points for recreation. That access comes at a cost, both in maintenance and environmental harm. At the heart of the decision to close roads like Rady Creek is the effect on species like caribou and grizzly bears — species that need huge swaths of unbroken land to thrive. The more roads, the more people, the more disturbance, the less chance those species have of surviving. But the thought of losing access to the ridge has set the whole community on edge.

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Signs of old-growth forest found in Annapolis County, group says

By Anjuli Patil
CBC News
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

NOVA SCOTIA — The Citizen Scientists of Southwest Nova Scotia are calling for more forestry protection after they came across what appear to be signs of an old-growth forest in Annapolis County. Nina Newington and others returned and found what they suspect are more old-growth trees along with a rare, protected lichen species. …”We have had confirmation of the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR) and they said they will come in this fall and assess it.” Proulx said if the discovery of old-growth forest is confirmed by the province, she’s hoping it would mean the area would become protected from logging. Logging in the area was halted after the discovery of rare lichen last summer.

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Busier forest fire season, but little impact for inhabited areas

By Kevin Jeffrey
Thunder Bay News Watch
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

ONTARIO — This year marked a higher-than-average forest fire season in Northwestern Ontario, though it remained considerably lower than the record-setting 2021 season. Chris Marchand, a fire information officer for the Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Services branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, said there was an increase in the number of blazes and hectares burned in the region. This past year the estimates saw 476 total blazes impacting 324,520 hectares across the region. “Though many of those were burning in remote areas. When we compare it to a season like 2021, we had as many as seven communities evacuated; This year, we saw far fewer problematic fires that were affecting populations on the landscape. With the notable exception of smoke,” Marchand said. The province considers Oct. 31 to be the conclusion of the wildfire season.

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Forests Ontario / Forest Recovery Canada to plant over 31 million trees as part of Canada’s 2 Billion Trees program

Forests Ontario/Forest Recovery Canada
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Barrie, Ontario – In an effort to minimize the devastating effects of climate change, encourage biodiversity, enhance wildlife habitat, and support green job creation, Forests Ontario / Forest Recovery Canada has signed an agreement with Natural Resources Canada’s 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program to plant 31 million trees across the country by March 31, 2031. Jess Kaknevicius, CEO of Forests Ontario, and the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, today announced a joint commitment of over $123 million that will see 31 million trees planted across the country. The Government of Canada will cover 50 percent of project costs through the 2BT program and Forests Ontario will work with corporate partners and donors across the country to contribute to the balance of project costs. “This is a generational opportunity for organizations and individuals across the country to show their environmental leadership,” Kaknevicius says.

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Nova Scotia saw its most devastating wildfire season on record in 2023

CBC News
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

This year was by far the most devastating wildfire season on record in Nova Scotia, with blazes burning through more than 25,000 hectares of land and 200 homes across the province. According to the provincial government, a total of 220 wildfires impacted approximately 25,096 hectares this season, which typically runs from April to mid-October. While the total number of wildfires has been higher in previous years, the impacted areas have never been so far-reaching. …Scott Tingley, manager of forest protection for the provincial Department of Natural Resources, said weather was the key factor in the spread of the fires and why they took so long to bring under control. Tingley said less snow over the winter, combined with a dry spring, made for an excellent breeding ground for wildfires. Moreover, crews contended with dry conditions and high winds during the outbreak of those fires.

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The Nature Conservancy to Expand Prescribed Fire Workforce and Partnership with the USDA Forest Service

The Nature Conservancy
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States

Arlington, VA — The Nature Conservancy announces a portfolio of new multiyear agreements with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service to develop the prescribed fire workforce and expand the use of proactive beneficial fire to improve the safety of human communities and the health of natural systems. …Advancing the goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy and the Forest Service’s Wildfire Crisis Strategy, the new agreements leverage federal and non-federal funding to support prescribed fire, restorative forest thinning projects, and fire practitioner job training and workforce development, with a focus on fire-adapted landscapes and cultures in the U.S. West. The Forest Service has obligated almost $45 million over five years to TNC, which will use existing staff, new hires and partner fire practitioners to collaborate with the Forest Service on mutual priority prescribed fire projects.

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‘I see greed:’ Concern raised with logging results near Custer

By Lee Strubinger
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Last summer, logging crews working on the Bull Springs timber sale, cut down the biggest pine trees in sections surrounding Round Mountain. With that forest overstory gone, what remains are dense clusters of small ponderosa pine that look more like bushes. …In the 2000’s, the U.S. Forest Service thinned dense ponderosa stands to get ahead of the pine beetle epidemic. The transformation allowed young, understory trees, often called ‘doghair’ to become very dense. …retired forester David Mertz questioned the project. “The only thing I can come up with is they provided saw timber to the sawmills,” Mertz said, adding the understory that remains will eventually create a problem. Thick, dense tree stands will compete for sunlight, water and nutrients. Eventually, if they aren’t thinned, they’ll become more susceptible to infestation or fire in the future. Forester Carl Fiedler said if the remaining doghair stands are thinned, …the effects of overstory removal can diminish in a few years.

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Conservation and forestry can coexist

By Matt Winters
The Daily Astorian
November 2, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

Logging, fishing and farming are the pilings on which most Pacific Northwest settlers built their lives. These occupations remain acutely important to many rural residents — cultural bedrock with enduring economic importance. Disrespect and neglect of these foundations go some way to explaining the much-discussed urban-rural divide. …“Strong Winds & Widow Makers,” an award-winning book by University of Oregon assistant professor of history Steven C. Beda, is an illuminating trek into the forests alongside highclimbers and other logging specialists. More importantly, it’s an examination of how politics, corporate boardrooms and changing social attitudes and technology left many timber workers on the short end of the stick — and where things stand now. …“Strong Winds” is a fact-filled guidebook, with something interesting on every page. …Wilderness areas can and should coexist with forests dedicated to industrial forestry, Beda concludes.

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Fire, other ravages jeopardize California’s prized forests: ‘John Muir would not recognize any of this’

By Brian Melley
The Missoulian
October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

…In the U.S. West, a century of fire suppression, logging of large fire-resistant trees, and other practices allowed undergrowth to choke forests. Drought has killed millions of conifers or made them susceptible to disease and pests. And a changing climate has brought more intense fires. “What’s it’s coming down to is jungles of fuels in forest lands,” Safford said. “You get a big head of steam going behind the fire there, it can burn forever and ever and ever.” Despite mild wildfire seasons last year and this year, California saw 12 of its largest 20 wildfires in the previous five years. Record rain and snowfall this year  could lead to explosive growth of fire fuels. …A study of the southern Sierra Nevada — home to Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks — found nearly a third of conifer forest had transitioned to other vegetation because of fire, drought or bark beetles in the past decade.

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New rules to protect homes from wildfire ignite controversy

By Laurel Demkovich
Oregon Capital Chronicle
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

New state building codes in Washington state aim to protect properties on the edge between urban and wooded areas – a fast growing type of space known as the wildland urban interface – from wildfire. But the code changes have sparked backlash from builders, cities and environmentalists who say the rules are confusing, will drive up housing costs and could result in an excessive number of trees getting cut down. The codes at the center of the controversy are already approved and will take effect March 15. The guidelines, which apply to new construction or remodels, call for roofs, siding, decks, doors, windows and other parts of homes to be made out of fire resistant materials. They also include requirements for “defensible space” around buildings ranging from 30 to 100 feet… “There’s just so many questions that are still unanswered,” said Andrea Smith, policy and research manager at the Building Industry Association of Washington.

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Michigan’s newest old-growth forest is on a college campus

By Emily Bingham
Michigan Live
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

EAST LANSING, MICH. — A natural area tucked away on the campus of Michigan State University has been inducted into a nationwide network of old-growth forests. MSU’s Baker Woodlot is among the newest places named to the Old-Growth Forest Network, an organization dedicated to highlighting old-growth, native forests across the U.S. Forests recognized in the network are protected, publicly accessible and are among the oldest-known forests in their respective counties. Baker Woodlot is the first forest in the network to be located on a college campus, joining 11 other Old-Growth Forest Network-designated Michigan sites so far. The 78-acre woods has been preserved for more than 160 years and is known for its diversity of both tree ages and species, including large Northern red oaks, tulip poplars, and Eastern cottonwoods, along with American beeches and sugar maples.

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Montana timber company honored with forestry award

By Tracy Scott
Clark Fork Valley Press
November 1, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

Jared Fitchett and family

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte traveled to Plains last week to honor and bestow the annual Forest Products Award to a family-owned business based out of Libby. Jared Fitchett owns and operates  J. Shar Timber Harvesting, a cut-to-length timber enhancement company. Fitchett, who harvests timber extensively in Sanders County, is also noted for his state-of-the-art timber practices. Fitchett’s innovative approach in harvesting timber utilizes the tethered logging technique that allows the company to work on steep slopes, minimizing the impact of surrounding soil and water resources. …Gianforte’s Forest Products Award recognizes an outstanding person or entity for their work to actively manage our forests, responsibly develop our abundant forested resources, and/or promote the use of Montana wood products.

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Indonesia says 200,000 hectares of palm plantations to be made forests

October 31, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: International

JAKARTA – Some 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantations found in areas designated as forests in Indonesia are expected to be returned to the state to be converted back into forests, a government official said. Indonesia, the world’s biggest palm oil producer and exporter, issued rules in 2020 to sort out the legality of plantations operating in areas that are supposed to be forests, aimed at fixing governance in the sector. Officials said the measures were necessary as some companies have already been tending the land for years, although green groups have attacked the government for forgiving past forest encroachment. Companies have to submit paperwork and pay fines to obtain cultivating rights on their plantation by Nov. 2, 2023, according to the rules. Indonesia’s chief security minister Mahfud MD has threatened to pursue legal action against palm oil companies that use land illegally after the Thursday deadline passes.

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‘UK government efforts to end deforestation pointless unless more is done’, WWF says

BBC News
October 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: International

The UK government’s efforts to tackle deforestation have been criticised by the World Wide Fund for Nature. …The UK government, along with several other countries, made a promise to end deforestation by 2030. But the WWF says the government’s commitment to protecting forests around the world will be “pointless” unless more effort is made to stop products containing materials that come from deforestation, from entering the country. The government says it is working with local governments and businesses to encourage legal farming methods. In a new report from The WWF says the UK is in danger of missing important targets. It’s calling on the UK government to remove deforestation from supply chains, which was meant to come into force as part of the Environment Act 2021.

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