Calls for action against Russian forest products mount as container lines (MSC, Maersk & CMA CGM), sawmills (Metsä), and suppliers (Raute) curtail operations. In related news: how the war affects pulp & paper; and Drax’s humanitarian effort. In other Business news: Canada invests in Quebec biomass recovery; and Doman reports positive financials.
In Forestry/Climate news: Bill Dumont calls BC forest policy reckless; Barry Saxifrage says BC’s forests are a carbon liability; NRCan researchers protect the last intact Garry oak ecosystems; Oregon overwhelmingly approves new Forest Accord; and the US Forest Service mobilizes in Texas and South Carolina, as fires break out in Orange County, California.
Finally, the UN call to “end plastic pollution” spurs forest-based packaging solutions.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor