Through carbon capture and sequestration, Canada’s forests play a critical role in the fight against climate change. Carbon gains have been realized through world-class sustainable forest management while at the same time, insects, wildfire, and other natural disturbance impacts work to release carbon back into the atmosphere. To monitor and help manage forest carbon stocks, the Government of Canada has developed a sophisticated approach to carbon accounting and reporting. A highly specialized team of research scientists, programmers, analysts, and remote sensing specialists make up the Carbon Accounting Team in the Canadian Forest Service.
Dr. Piotr Tompalski, NRCan’s newest research scientist in the Carbon Accounting Team, has been instrumental in implementing the use of remote sensing data for estimating aboveground biomass. “Today, laser scanning (or LiDAR – Light Detection and Ranging) allows us to create accurate 3D models of a tree or a forest stand that can be measured automatically,” Tompalski explained. …“By utilizing the remote sensing data, we aim to improve the accuracy of carbon modelling and reported greenhouse gas emission values.” Tompalski explained, “Future decisions based on the reported data will therefore become more informed since the uncertainty in the carbon levels will be lower”.