Category Archives: Opinion / EdiTOADial

Opinion / EdiTOADial

Missing the Forest for the Trees

By Kevin Williamson
The National Review
March 18, 2021
Category: Opinion / EdiTOADial
Region: Canada, United States

Kevin Williamson

It is mystifying that free trade remains a policy without a constituency, when there are so many natural constituencies for it — people who live in houses for example. …Join me for a trip down memory lane back to the heady days of 2017, when, under the very best thinking brought to you by… our government decided that one of the biggest and more urgent problems facing Americans was a splendid supply of inexpensive lumber — specifically, that those wily, inscrutable, nefarious . . . Canadians were selling the stuff too cheap in U.S. markets, thereby undercutting the critical economic position of — oh, I don’t know, Paul Bunyan, I guess.

…Even with lumber prices at a record high, the Biden administration is continuing the Trump administration’s policy of imposing a punitive sales tax on American consumers to punish them for buying Canadian lumber. …It’s pure special-interest politics. …Americans do not need to be protected from low prices and abundance, from high-quality building supplies provided at reasonable rates. Low prices and abundance: That is a policy that might appeal to some people. Those who live in houses and apartments, for instance.

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Seeking Truth Reading News – Telling Truth Writing News

By Roger Whittaker
Submitted Editorial
November 12, 2019
Category: Opinion / EdiTOADial
Region: Canada, Canada West

Roger Whittaker

When I open a story on my computer or spread the inky pages out before me, I have a certain level of expectations. …I do not expect to be walloped into stupidity by semantic sleight of hand and stealthy word placement the way I was when began to read the dreadful piece recently included in Tree Frog News daily email news aggregator, “Your hardwood floor was probably harvested illegally” subtitled “U.S. Forest Service test shows as much as 62% of U.S. wood products are mislabelled” by Rachel Koning Beals of MarketWatch. …Yet this piece you are now reading is not so much to call out Ms. Koning Beals about her twisty relativistic attempt to circumvent the truth. The commenters were on her like a swarm of South American Bees. This piece is to ask you, as a reader, if you also seek truth or if you are living in an echo chamber… Her morally superior high road is to not choose to use wood on your floor because you cannot be sure it wasn’t cut under nefarious circumstances, thus setting about to call into disrepute all who call the forest their office, the same way the No Fur folks destroyed the ingenuity and income of those who live in Canada’s North. …the point of this piece is to ask you, as a reader, to look at the use of linguistic sleight of hand as you read. 

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